Flash Message

Online Application for Plus One Admission starts on May 16...Students can apply online through HSCAP ..... Community merit and Management Quota Application Forms are to be submitted at the school beofre due date fixed by the Government..HSS Second Year Results announced ...... ....... ........... ... ..SSLC Results declared...St. Mary's got 100% pass and 60 Full A+ .................... ... ....

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

World Hand Washing day

The world Hand Washing Day was observed in St Mary's GHSS Pala. The state wide campaign was inaugurated by Sri. Jose K Mani MP. The programme was an initiative by the Rotary Club. Cine Artist  and the former student of the school Miya George  addressed the gathering as the brand ambassador of the campaign. Dr. Omana Thomas demonstrated to the students how to wash and clean the hands systematically. The mission is to spread the message through school children. Lion's District Governor and other office bearers were present on the occasion. 

Blog designed and run by Jo C Thomas, HSST English...for St. Mary's HSS Pala